Since earlier days people are showing more interest on learning about stars, constellations and objects of the space. Children are more likely to become the astronomer for which the parents are seeking the ways to give them the best on obtaining knowledge. Many people have a misconception that they have to spend a lot of money for buying a telescope and creating artificial planetarium. But, the fact is that only small amount of expenses is required to increase the knowledge of students in astronomy.
The recyclable products at the home can be used to design the artificial planetarium. Use the empty containers, lid and flashlights to create the constellations and stars of the space. Check whether you have any private or public libraries near your town. Get a membership card of the library to lend the books whenever you want. Get the different astronomy books and make your children learn about the facts. Try to get them a calendars and notepad that has a planetarium image. Children get inspired with the image and can enhance their knowledge on analysing the astronomy.
Various astronomy clubs are there to entertain children in a funny way. If possible, take your children to the club where they obtain a chance to experience the real planetarium. Government planetarium will organize a day on which people will be allowed experience the solar or lunar eclipses via the telescope they have. Hence, it is the best way for your children to get the practical knowledge on eclipses without spending money on buying a telescope.