The branch of science that deals with the study and observation of celestial bodies and everything in the wide universe is known as astronomy. If you are interested in the mysteries of the universe, here are a few things that you need to know beforehand:
· Do Your Research
Before you go sky gazing, it is essential to learn some general information about the universe. This basically consists of information like how the Earth rotates around the Sun and how different constellations appear during each season. It is also in your best interest to learn how the North Pole, South Pole and the equator play a role in the celestial sphere.
· Understand Astronomy
It is a good idea to immerse yourself in astronomy to understand how the planets move across the sky. You can easily gain more information with the help of books from the local library or anyone of the informational websites available on the internet. Once you feel that you have gained sufficient knowledge, you can think about investing in a new telescope.
· Try New Equipment Before Purchasing
Telescopes do not exactly come cheap. This is why experts in the astronomy field recommend trying out the equipment before investing in one. In fact, most shops that offer astronomical equipment offer to set up the equipment for their customers to help narrow down on which ne to purchase,
· Pick Out An Observing Site With Care
You can easily see the Sun, the planets, the Moon, double stars from most locations. However, if you plan on seeing galaxies and nebulae, your best bet is to find a dark site to set up your telescope. Other things to consider while picking out an observation site include the pollution level of the location, the driving distance to the location, the portability of your telescope, how safe you will be at the location, weather factors and so on.
· Observe During Daytime As well
Many amateur night gazers make the mistake of assuming that you can observe the sky only during night time. Nothing could be further from the truth, the Sun enables you to observe the different changes it goes through if you are willing to observe it during the day. In fact, a couple of sun spots appeared across the surface of the sun a few years ago, enabling sky gazers actually to observe the change occurring right before their eyes.
· Stay Comfortable
It is essential to pack the essentials to make sure that you stay comfortable while you spend time sky gazing. This is important especially during the winter season. Many sky observers adopt different postures to look through the eyepiece, which can result in back pain if you are not careful. You can sue adjustable chairs for a more comfortable posture while gazing through your telescope. Once you are comfortable enough, you can try to take different pictures of the astronomical objects you manage to see through the telescope. However, keep in mind that astro-imaging is slightly harder than it looks and might take awhile before you get the hang of it. Astronomy training will help you learn this skill as well.